We offer students a variety of music ensembles to participate in as well as courses in music appreciation, music history, and music theory and composition. Our faculty-led ensembles include two concert bands, two jazz bands, marching band, two choirs, and an orchestra.
Interested in learning about the music program at S&T? Fill out the form below and we will contact you!
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The following courses are required to receive a Minor in Music:
1. Students will take three ensemble courses (chosen from band, choir, or orchestra)
2. Students will take twelve credits chosen from the courses below:
3. Other courses may be substituted with written permission from the Music Minor Advisor and approval from the Department Chair of ALP.
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Lecturer - Orchestra
573-341-4869 | fbnnq@mst.edu |
132 Castleman Hall
Teaching Professor - Choir, Music Theory, Music Understanding and Appreciation
573-341-4869 | lorief@mst.edu |
125 E Castleman Hall
Assistant Professor
573-341-6837 | samsondw@mst.edu |
131 Castleman Hall
Lecturer - Jazz
573-341-4869 | mshz4@mst.edu |
132 Castleman Hall
Follow Arts, Languages, and Philosophy