Undergraduate Certificates

Philosophy Certificates

Certificate Description:

How can we tell what makes a scientific theory true? How do experimental results and observations serve as evidence for a theory or
law? Indeed, what are theories and laws? While it’s easy to make appeals to something called “the scientific method,” the reality is much
more complex. The certificate in Logic and the Philosophical Foundations of STEM will provide students with a working grasp of the basic
intellectual framework of modern science, mathematics, and engineering. For those who want to learn more about the very nature of the
modern scientific enterprise, this program provides a chance to understand their conceptual, historical, and epistemological foundations.

Students may elect to not only develop their formal skills in the logic and reasoning that allow for the development of scientific theories,
but also to go beyond the formal dimensions of science and interrogate the ways in which science has developed historically, and what
that tells us about its structure.

The abilities and base of knowledge provided by this certificate can serve as a fascinating supplement to the study of the natural and
human sciences, and signal to potential employers not only advanced reasoning skills but a curiosity and intellectual energy that can be applied in a wide variety of areas.

PHILOS 1115 Logic and Reasoning: An Introduction 3
PHILOS 3254 Symbolic Logic in Argumentation 3
A further six (6) credits can be chosen from:  
PHILOS 4320 Minds And Machines 3
PHILOS 4325 Who Knows What? Knowledge, Truth, and Justification 3
PHILOS 4345 Philosophy Of Science 3
HISTORY 3530 History of Science 3


Certificate Description:

This certificate signifies a commitment to moral leadership.

Professionals are granted a great deal of autonomy, respect, and power in their workplaces as compared to other sorts of employees. And, as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility. With these sorts of privileges, professionals often find themselves in a position of having to make difficult decisions on their own, as well as for others, whether directly or through policy. And while many professionals will find themselves armed with corporate guidelines or professional codes of conduct to guide one, these alone are not
sufficient. Because some – if not all – decisions are ethical, or have an ethical dimension.

Pursuing this certificate will help one understand how to answer the question “What should I do?” in an ethical manner. Required courses in professional or “applied” ethics will familiarize students with the types of cases of ethical decision-making that they will likely encounter in professional life, and courses in normative or moral theory will strengthen their skills in moral reasoning, allowing them to adapt to new and changing situations.

PHILOS 1130 How Should I Live? An Introduction to Ethics 3
3 further credits from:  
PHILOS 3223 Bioethics 3
PHILOS 3225 Engineering Ethics 3
PHILOS 3235 Business Ethics 3
6 further credits (excluding courses taken to meet above requirements) from:  
PHILOS 3223 Bioethics 3
PHILOS 3225 Engineering Ethics 3
PHILOS 3235 Business Ethics 3
PHILOS 4340 From Activism to Zoos: Issues in Social Ethics 3
PHILOS 4350 Environmental Ethics 3
PHILOS 4360 Who Should Rule and Why? Debates in Political Philosophy 3
PHILOS 4368 Law and Ethics in E-Commerce 3

Certificate Description:

This certificate is designed to help make one an informed citizen, a reflective human being, and a potential difference-maker.

We live in a technological world, with rapid developments in emerging nano-, bio-, and information and communications technology
taking place every day. But the very speed of these change can make it difficult to see how we are affected by them. How do new
technologies impact our environments, our economies, our lived experiences, and our very selves? How can we, as users, cope with
them? Perhaps even more importantly, what sorts of obligations and responsibilities do engineers and technicians, as makers, have to
make sure they are safe, healthy, or liberating? Finally, how do we, as persons, understand ourselves as users, makers, and human

These are precisely the sorts of questions that the Certificate in Technology, Philosophy, and Ethical Futures will help one address.
Pursuing this course of study will familiarize students not only with the dilemmas, challenges, and opportunities that new technologies
present but with the conceptual tools to navigate them, which will serve them well both in industry and in personal life.

Required Capstone Course:  
PHILOS 4554 Technology, Ethics, and Philosophy 3
3 credits from:  
PHILOS 1105 Self and World: Introduction To Philosophy 3
PHILOS 1130 How Should I Live? An Introduction to Ethics 3
6 credits from:  
PHILOS 3225 Engineering Ethics 3
PHILOS 4320 Minds And Machines 3
PHILOS 4350 Environmental Ethics 3
PHILOS 4665 Creating Future Cities 3
PSYCH 4710 Human Factors 3
PSYCH 4720 Psychology of Social Technology 3
HISTORY 3510 Twentieth Century Technology And Society 3
POL SCI 4320 The Politics of Innovation 3



Multidisciplinary Studies Certificates

Certificate Description:

This certificate is designed for majors in any field who wish to enhance their understanding of the peoples and cultures of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. The College of Arts, Sciences, and Education offers this certificate through the collaboration of the Department of Arts, Languages, and Philosophy, and the Department of History and Political Science. Courses offered by these departments that are listed below. Courses from other departments may count if their subject matter has significant Russian or Eurasian content.

Admissions Requirements:

A student must meet Missouri S&T's regular undergraduate admission requirements.

Certificate Requirements: 

Achieve at least a 2.75 grade point average in all certificate course work.

Students must apply for the certificate by notifying the Russian and Eurasian Studies faculty advisor at least one full semester prior to graduation.

Request a certificate from the Registrar’s Office within two calendar years of completing the required certificate course work.

Certificate Requirements (12 Credit Hours)

Students must take 4 different courses including one required course and 3 additional elective courses. Courses must come from at least two different disciplines.

REQUIREMENTS: Must take ONE of the following (3 hours)

RUSSIAN 4360 Russian Civilization 3
HISTORY 2224 Making Of Modern Russia 3

Elective Courses: Must take 3 ADDITIONAL courses

RUSSIAN 2170 Masterpieces Of Russian Literature 3
RUSSIAN 3790 Scientific Russian 3
RUSSIAN 4330 Business Russian 3
RUSSIAN 4360 Russian Civilization 3
RUSSIAN 4370 Survey Of Russian Literature I (Early Period) 3
RUSSIAN 4375 Survey Of Russian Literature II(Modern Period) 3
HISTORY 2224 Making Of Modern Russia 3
HISTORY 3200 History of Eastern Europe 3
HISTORY 3235 Foundations Of Contemporary Europe 1815-1914 3
HISTORY 3240 Contemporary Europe 3
HISTORY 3600 World History 3
HISTORY 3762/​POL SCI 3762 American Foreign Policy Since 1945 3

All students are encouraged to develop their Russian language skills to the highest possible level.

Other Program Information: This list of courses is not exhaustive. Other courses with significant Russia(n)-related content may be substituted for those listed above upon approval of the Russian and Eurasian Studies Advisor.



Certificate Description:

This certificate program is for students from any major who wish to expand their knowledge of intercultural issues from a multidisciplinary perspective, and develop the knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to work successfully in today's global and interconnected world. Students select four courses from an approved list in consultation with their certificate advisor. Many of the courses also fulfill requirements for degree programs.

Students must meet regular Missouri S&T undergraduate admission requirements.

Certificate Requirements

Choose one:

HISTORY 1200 Modern Western Civilization 3
ENGLISH 1212 British Literature II 1800 To Present 3

Choose three additional courses:

SP&M S 3235 Intercultural Communication 3
PSYCH 4992 Cross-Cultural Psychology 3
HISTORY 2110 World Regional Geography 3
HISTORY 2220 Making Of Modern Britain 3
HISTORY 2221 Making of Modern Germany 3
HISTORY 2222 The Making Of Modern France 3
HISTORY 2224 Making Of Modern Russia 3
HISTORY 3240 Contemporary Europe 3
HISTORY 3660 Modern East Asia 3
POL SCI 2500 International Relations 3
POL SCI 4500 Geopolitics and International Security 3
POL SCI 4510 The Politics of the Global South 3
ENGLISH 2002 Critical Approaches To Literature 3
ENGLISH 3219 The British Novel II 3
ENGLISH 3233 Contemporary British Literature 3
ENGLISH 3304 Language in Society 3
TCH COM 4450 International Dimensions of Technical Communication 3
ECON 4642 Introduction to Global Eco- and Social-preneurship and Innovation 3
ECON 4643 Ethical Problems in a Global Environment 3