Meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 4-5:30 p.m. - 137 Castleman Hall
The Miner Marching Band is open to all students who play a band instrument. The band plays for all home football games as well as the Celebration of Nations and Rolla Christmas parades. Besides regular class meetings, the band will also rehearse on Fridays from 4:00-5:00 p.m. the day before a home football game. Other sectional rehearsals may also be required, especially for Color Guard and Drumline.
Questions? Contact Dr. Samson.
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The fall 2024 form is now live.
All returning band members living in residence halls are permitted to move in early for camp. Go to the Residential Life homepage ( and look for a link for an early move-in form (this form should be available some time over the summer).
It’s to your advantage that you arrive in good playing shape this fall. For the instruments not listed below there are no formal auditions. Your Section Leader will assign parts in consultation with the Director. We all understand the change that comes with joining a new band, especially if you come from a program in which you were a lead player. Please understand that because we are a team you may be asked to play 2nd or 3rd parts based on our needs.
For those playing instruments who may need to audition know that I appreciate your willingness to go through the process. I also understand the frustration of not being placed on your preferred instrument, but it’s necessary for the band to do so. Know that if you stick with us, I will try to get you on your preferred instrument as future situations allow. Thank you for your understanding.
The MMB Drumline consists of a battery of 5 snares, 3 tenors, 5 basses, and cymbals. Due to so few openings, auditions for snare, tenor and bass will most likely be necessary. Returning members retain their positions on the line from last year and do not need to reaudition. Over the summer, audition material will be sent to you based on what you indicate in the “Band Camp Registration Form” as your “Top Choice(s).” Auditions will take place on move-in day of O-Week (see “O-Week Band Camp Schedule”) with results announced later that day. Those not earning a spot on the battery will be given the option of either joining the front ensemble or cymbal line.
We have a limited number of marching tubas (we march contras, not sousaphones) available which means that we may need to hold auditions. If this become necessary, you will be notified over the summer and audition materials will be sent to you. Returning members retain their positions and do not need to reaudition. Auditions will take place on move-in day of O-Week (see “O-Week Band Camp Schedule”) with results announced later that day. If you are a new member and have experience on another instrument (marching baritone, trombone, etc.) we may ask you to switch to help with the band’s overall instrumentation.
All players are responsible for providing their own instrument accessories whether they own their own instrument or check one out from the university. This includes (but is not limited to) reeds, mouthpieces (you MUST own your own mouthpiece if using a university instrument), valve/slide oil, flip folders, and lyres. All accessories must be obtained BEFORE arriving to camp.
TUBA PLAYERS: We use contras for marching season so you'll need to purchase an armband-style “flute” flip folder.
PERCUSSION: We provide mallets/sticks.
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Full Uniform
During O-Week we'll fit you for a marching uniform (see “O-Week Band Camp Schedule”). Your uniform will be placed in a garment bag and kept in the uniform closet when not in use (140 Castleman Hall). The rest of the full uniform includes white long-wrist gloves, black socks, and black marching shoes.
At the beginning of the season you'll receive one pair of gloves for free. While these gloves are easy to maintain and are machine washable, it may be necessary to replace them during the season. A second pair will be provided at no cost as long as you show need for them. Piccolo and clarinet players will receive a pair of one-size-fits-all fingerless gloves (one replacement pair available if needed) and Color Guard members will receive a pair of guard gloves (replacements must be paid for by the student). Percussionists do not need gloves.
The only part of your uniform we DO NOT provide is black socks and black marching shoes. If you currently own a pair of flat black (not patent leather) marching shoes, you can use those as long as they're in good condition. If you do not own a pair, you will need purchase them on your own. ALL MMB MEMBERS MUST HAVE A PAIR OF UNIFORM SHOES WHEN YOU REPORT TO CAMP.
Summer Uniform
If it’s determined to be too hot or a performance does not require the full uniform, you’ll be asked to wear our summer uniform. The summer uniform consists of an official Miner Marching Band T-shirt and cap both of which will be provided at no cost (Color Guard does not wear caps for the summer uniform, but are free to have one). The rest of the uniform consists of khaki shorts (light to medium khaki please, not brown, olive or white) white socks and tennis shoes appropriate to march in.
Drawstring Bag
Along with your gloves, T-shirt, and cap, all band members will also be issued an official MMB drawstring bag. This bag may be used to carry necessary items (i.e. flip folders, water bottles, etc.) to and from performances while in full or summer uniform. No other personal bags are allowed to be worn with your uniform.
While the Color Guard rehearses at the same time as the rest of the Miner Marching Band, they often do so separately in order to work on routine. Members of the Guard should also expect to practice outside of normal band rehearsals at times organized by the Captain.
The standard equipment we use consists of 6-foot flags, but we occasionally include other equipment such as air blades, rifles, and sabers based on our show demands and the abilities of our members. The university provides all regular equipment as well as a flag bag for your use. You are welcome to use your own equipment if it works with our shows and matches our current equipment.
The university provides the main parts of the Color Guard formal uniform, but there are other parts, such as pants, shoes, socks, and makeup that will need to be provided by individual members.
Contact Dr. Samson if you're unable to attend camp or have conflicts with the schedule.
The Band room is in 137 Castleman Hall which can be accessed through the doors near the corner of 11th St. and State St. The Castleman Green is just outside the band room on the corner of 10th St. and State St.. The practice field is across the parking lot from the Student Recreation and Fitness Center between the Miner Dome and baseball field. You may park in the Rec Center parking lot and walk the path between the Miner Dome and intramural fields to get to get to the practice field. Talk to your section leader if you need help.
FRESHMAN: Provided that you’ve fill out the “Band Camp Registration Form” by mid-July, you will be placed in an O-Week team with other marching band students. During most of your scheduled “Project X” times, you’ll be joining us for rehearsals. If you sign up for camp too late or for some reason do not get assigned a band O-Week team, DON’T PANIC. We’ll get you involved.
Time TBA Castleman Hall/Practice Field – Leadership Work Day/Cookout
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Band Room – Drumline and Contra Auditions (if necessary). Those auditioning will be contacted over the summer and asked to sign up for a 10-minute audition time that works with your move-in schedule.
2-3:30p.m. Band Room – Leadership Meeting
7-8:30p.m. Castleman Green – Ice Cream Social sponsored by Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma
9:30-11 a.m. Band Room – MUSIC Rehearsal (Upperclassmen required)
11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Castleman Hall – Uniform Checkout: Returning Seniors, all Drumline
2:15-5:00 p.m. Castleman Green – MUSIC Rehearsal (Full Band)
7-8:30 p.m. Practice Field – MARCHING Rehearsal
8:30-10 p.m. TBA – Chapter Social Event #1
9:30-11 a.m. Band Room – MUSIC Rehearsal (Upperclassmen required)
11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Castleman Hall – Uniform Checkout: Returning Juniors, Sophomores
12:45-2:15 p.m. Castleman Hall – Uniform Checkout: All New Members
2:15-5:00 p.m. Castleman Green – MUSIC Rehearsal (Full Band), Continue uniform checkout
7-8:30 p.m. Practice Field – MARCHING Rehearsal (w/ instruments)
8:30-10 p.m. TBA – Chapter Social Event #2
9:30-11 a.m. Castleman Green – MUSIC Rehearsal (Full Band)
12-12:30 p.m. TBA – Pep Band Performance (Upperclassmen only, Summer Uniform)
2:15-5:00 p.m. Castleman Green – MUSIC Rehearsal (Full Band), Last Call for Uniforms
7-8:30 p.m. Practice Field – MARCHING Rehearsal (w/ instruments)
8:30-10 p.m. TBA – Chapter Social Event #3
1-2:30 p.m. Castleman Hall – Uniform Closet Open
3 p.m. In front of Leach Theatre – Band Photo (Full Uniform)
3:45-5:00 p.m. Various – Sectional Rehearsals (see Section Leader)
5-8:30 p.m. Various – Section Dinners/Bonding
8:30-10 p.m. TBA – Section Olympics
9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Practice Field – MARCHING Rehearsal (Full Band)
12:30 p.m. Castleman – End of camp lunch (provided) and Section Awards
3-5 p.m. Gibson Arena – Pep Band Convocation Performance (Upperclassmen Only, Summer Uniform)
7:30-8:30 p.m. The Puck – Project X Awards Performance (Full Band, Summer Uniform)
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Marching Band is physically demanding, so please bring clothing appropriate for the weather, especially a good pair of athletic shoes. As you prepare for camp, remember the following:
Water – We provide water jugs during outdoor rehearsals, but it’s good to have your own too.
Hat – To shield your head and face from the sun. This is especially important if you’re bald like Dr. Samson.
Closed-toed shoes – We don’t march in sandals.
Sunscreen – Most of our rehearsals (including music rehearsals) are outdoors. Protect your skin.
Senior Staff:
Dr. David Samson – Director
Martin De La Hunt – Drum Major (3rd year)
Brileigh Cates – Drum Major (2nd year)
Karli Blevins - Drum Major (1st year)
Dylan Clay – Gameday Operations
Bradley Schluben – Uniforms
Reece Watson – Equipment
Section Leaders:
Megan Benkendorf – Flute
Terin Macdonald, Isabelle Smith – Clarinet
Conner Grumbles – Saxophone
Joshua Hicks – Trumpet
Sophie Roy – Mellophone
Allison Miller – Low Brass
Cameron Ray – Drumline
Kannon Rowden, Nicholas Toler – Front Ensemble
Liz Grube, Claire Patt – Color Guard Captains
All performances of the Marching Band are REQUIRED of all members unless noted as “all available members.” Please get these dates on your calendar now so that there is no confusion as to what’s required of you. If you see an issue with attending any of these performances, contact Dr. Samson as soon as you become aware.
NOTE: The times listed for games are KICKOFF times and those for parades are PARADE START times. “Call Times” will be given well in advance of each event and may be as many as 1-2 hours before the times listed.
Friday, Aug. 23
12 p.m. | MinerRama | Meet at Castleman Hall for march over (all available members)
Saturday, Sept. 14
6 p.m. | Miners vs. Lincoln University (CA) | Allgood-Bailey Stadium
Saturday, Sept. 21
11 a.m. | Parade of Nations | Downtown Rolla
6 p.m. | Miners vs. Quincy University |Allgood-Bailey Stadium
Saturday, Oct. 5
6 p.m. | Miners vs. Southwest Baptist University | Allgood-Bailey Stadium
Friday, Oct. 25 (Not definite, but please leave open on your schedule)
TBA | Homecoming Pep Rally | TBA
Saturday, Oct. 26
1 p.m. | Miners vs. Lincoln University (MO) [HOMECOMING] | Allgood-Bailey Stadium
Saturday, Nov. 2
1 p.m. | Miners vs. McKendree University [SENIOR DAY] | Allgood-Bailey Stadium
Saturday, Dec. 7
10 a.m. | Rolla Christmas Parade | Downtown Rolla
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For more information about marching band, contact Dr. Samson
Assistant Professor - Concert Bands, Marching Band, Music History
573-341-6837 | |
131 Castleman Hall
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